Funding Types of Support What we do not support

What we do not support

The foundation can only support scholarly projects within the framework of the fields and areas of concentration which it has specified.

Here is a list of fields, institutions and issues which are not allowed to receive any support:

  • Support for university studies
  • Scholarships or grants for doctoral dissertations
  • Scholarships or grants for post-doctoral theses
  • Projects without reference to the German science system
  • Projects with a didactical focus
  • Supplemental grants for scholarships or grants which are provided by other sources
  • Grants for printing of publications which have not been produced with the support of the foundation
  • Translation work which has no connection to a support measure of the foundation
  • Provision or supplement of institute budgets
  • Financial resources to defray overhead costs
  • Participation in congresses in Germany and abroad
  • International congresses – conferences of scholarly societies
  • Summer schools
  • Exhibitions
  • Applications from secondary schools and vocational schools
  • Applications from adult learning centres and other facilities in the field of adult education
  • Applications from non-profit facilities in the field of adult education
  • Applications from non-profit associations which do not directly pursue scholarly objectives
  • Charitable projects
  • It is generally not possible to revise applications that have been rejected by the Foundation.

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