Funding Promotion Areas Medicine and natural sciences

Medicine and natural sciences

In accordance with one of the desires of the donors, special attention is devoted by the foundation institutions to medical research. At present the foundation is focusing its support on the field of “Molecular causes in the development of illnesses”.  This programme supports molecular biological studies of illnesses whose development is based on genetic defects or with which gene variants contribute to the development of complex illnesses.

  • Cytoskeleton of a cell


In the area of “Molecular causes in the development of illnesses”, molecular biological studies of illnesses are supported whose development is primarily based on genetic defects or whose gene variants contribute to the development of complex illnesses.

Studies may be performed on cell culture and/or animal models, but should at least in part be performed on human tissue specimens and/or cells bearing relevance to illnesses. This only applies for applications submitted for support of projects.

The funding programme is aimed in particular at individuals who
  • have a Ph.D. and relevant experience in the priority field of research
  • are still at the start of their scholarly career with two to four years’ experience in post-doctoral research and would like to develop their scientific profile with the support of the Foundation
  • already head an independent research working group of their own or would like to set up their own working group with the support of the Foundation
It is not possible to obtain funding for
  • one’s own position for the period of the research project applied for
  • researchers who are already firmly established (holders of chair/directors of clinics)
The following projects are assigned preference:
  • The functional analysis of genes, gene products and their signal transduction pathways for monogenic and complex genetic illnesses in vitro and in vivo, whereby the work plan should also contain studies on human tissue specimens and/or cells
  • The characterisation of cell and animal models that have already been established for the study of genetic illnesses (with molecular biology methods)
  • The analysis of predisposing genes or therapies which modify illnesses (‘personalised medicine’) if this holds out the promise of additional findings being generated on the mechanistic causes of disease formation
Support is not provided for:
  • Purely methodological studies
  • Descriptive genetic studies of populations as well as linkage and association studies
  • Purely drug screening projects
  • Research projects without any direct connection to an illness
  • Research projects involving the development of an animal model that is to be studied in the grant period applied for
  • Research projects that do not involve any studies on human tissue specimens and/or cells bearing relevance to illnesses
  • Research projects relating to infectious diseases
    Diagnostic and primarily therapy-oriented projects

Information on the filing of applications, deadlines for applications, etc. can be found in the General Instructions and Notes of the foundation as well as in the suggested outline of the applications in the biomedical field.

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