Funding Types of Support General information

General information

The Fritz Thyssen Foundation supports:

  • research projects for certain amounts of time
  • smaller research and scientific conferences
  • to a certain extent the publication of the results of research work for which resources have been apportioned

Filing applications

Applications can only be filed by scholars from a school of higher learning or a non-profit research institution in Germany or foreign countries.

Funding is basically reserved for projects that are related to the promotion areas of the Foundation and have a clear connection to the German research system. This connection can be established either at a personal level through German scientists working on the project, at an institutional level through non-German scientists being affiliated to German research institutes or through studies on topics related thematically to German research interests.

  • Periods and deadlines: Applications can be filed up until 1 February and until 1 September
  • Important: Funding for persons, tangible items and travel can be applied for.
  • Periods and deadlines: Applications can be filed up until 28 February, 31 May, 31 August or 30 November of each and every year.
  • Important: Decisions are issued eight to ten weeks after the expiry of the application deadlines.
Travel Subsidies
  • Periods and deadlines: Applications can be filed at any time
  • Important: Travel to congresses and conferences are not funded.
Printing Subsidies
  • Periods and deadlines: Applications can be filed at any time
  • Important: Only possible for publications which emanate from projects which have already received funding.

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