Funding Types of Support Printing Subsidies

Printing Subsidies

Printing subsidies offer support for the publication of scholarly findings emanating from projects that have already been supported by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation (i.e. through projects, conferences, stipends, travel subsidies, etc.).

Applications for printing subsidies
  • Basic information and conditions
    • An application for support for printing costs is only possible after completion of a project supported by the foundation.
    • Applications for grants of printing subsidies are to be filed by the author or editor. If the author or editor is not the recipient in the project supported by the foundation that the planned publication emanates from, a declaration of consent is to be provided by the recipient.
    • Printing of dissertations or exam theses is generally not possible.
    • Nor are printing subsidies granted to decrease the selling price.
    • Print runs of less than 120 copies are generally not funded.
    • In the case of conference proceedings, the printing subsidy is limited to a maximum of € 5,000 plus VAT.
    • Printing subsidies are generally granted as non-repayable subsidies.
    • A maximum lump sum of € 2,000 plus VAT can be applied for to defray costs for open-access publications.
    • The foundation generally does not accept any applications for projects if applications are being filed with other institutions at the same time to ease the burden on its experts assessing applications. An application that is refused by another institution can be filed with the foundation along with a note explaining why it was refused.
    • It is generally not possible to revise applications that have been rejected by the Foundation.
  • Suggested outline of the application
    • Application form (signed in the original)
    • A brief summary of the contents of the publication

    The following should also be submitted:

    • The complete manuscript on a data carrier in pdf. Not on paper!
    • For publications to be printed: the publisher’s estimate of the costs of publication as well as the subsidy requested, which he or she should enter on the form (preliminary calculation and accounts for publications). The foundation reserves the right to obtain additional estimates.
    • For open-access publications: an estimate of costs.

    A single set of the application documents should be sent to the foundation (unstapled and unbound) by postal service. Applications may be submitted in German or in English.

  • Deadlines

    Applications for subsidies can be submitted to the foundation at any time. An answer can generally be expected within eight to ten weeks.

  • Notice of grant, payment and accounting for publications to be printed

    The author (editor) and the publisher will be notified about the approval of the grant. With acceptance of the approval, the author (editor) and publisher assume the obligation:

    • to obtain the consent of the foundation in the event of substantial changes in the manuscript before the print-setting of the book,
    • to refrain from changing the conditions contained in the Notice of Grant (deadlines, number of copies, selling price, complimentary copies, reimbursements) without the written consent of the foundation,
    • to notify the foundation if any subsidy is granted by a third party.

    The subsidy will be disbursed

    • as soon as the work is published,
    • the foundation has received the number of complimentary copies agreed to in the Notice of Grant, and#
    • final accounting of the actual costs on the form have been submitted to and approved by the foundation.

    The financial accounting shall be performed directly by the publisher and the foundation.

    Partial payments can be effected. The prerequisite is generally that publication be performed soon.

  • Notice of grant, payment and accounting for open access publications

    The author (editor) will be notified about approval of the grant. Upon acceptance of the approval, the author (editor) assumes the following obligations:

    • to obtain the consent of the foundation in the event of substantial changes in the manuscript before the print-setting,
    • to refrain from changing the conditions contained in the Notice of Grant without the written consent of the foundation,
    • to notify the foundation if any subsidy is granted by a third party.

    The subsidy will be disbursed

    • as soon as the work is available online and proof of such has been provided (e.g. link/screenshot)
    • signed confirmation is submitted that the approved financial resources were necessary for the publication supported by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation and have been used exclusively for this purpose.

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